Humorous Fiction
The primary aim of humorous fiction is to make the reader laugh. These stories can include realistic elements and events, but they can also feature absurd characters or events that are unlikely to really happen. These funny stories sometimes use elements from other genres, such as mystery, animal fiction or school stories, but the core focus is to amuse the reader. Many humorous fiction books move beyond simple stories and may include real-life problems or events that the characters need to tackle. While there are laughs along the way, funny stories can also make readers think a little deeper about these issues. Our junior and middle grade collections include many humorous stories, and our young adult fiction collection is growing. Older readers may find the homour in YA fiction more subtle than in books written for younger audiences.
幽默小说旨在逗笑读者。 这些故事可以包含现实元素与现实事件,但也可以包含不太可能真实存在的荒诞人物或事件。 这些有趣的故事有时会选取其他体裁中的元素,例如悬疑小说、动物小说或校园故事,但核心是逗读者开心。 许多幽默小说不只是简单的故事,还可能包括人物需要应对的现实生活问题、需要处理的现实事件。 除了阅读过程中有欢声笑语之外,有趣的故事也能促使读者对这些问题展开更为深入的思考。 我们的初级和中级系列图书中有许多幽默故事,青少年小说系列也正在扩增。 更年长的读者可能会发现,相较于为中低段读者写的书,青少年小说中的幽默则更为微妙。
Common elements 常见元素