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Wellington College Hangzhou Library: 帮助 Help

登录 Logging in

Logins work a little differently for many online resources. Some use Single Sign On (SSO), but others use a shared password. Details about each resource and password can be found here. It can also be accessed by clicking the password button found in the 'quick links' (bottom of page) and on other relevant pages. 

Each resource is a little different, but you can watch the videos below to see more.

许多在线资源的登录方式略有不同。一些只需单击登录 (SSO),而另一些则需使用共享密码。每种资源及其密码的详细信息,请参见此处。还可以通过单击“快速链接”(页面底部)和其他相关页面上的密码按钮来获得密码。


找寻密码 Finding passwords

You will need to use your Microsoft Teams login to access the password list show in the video. 

您需要使用 Microsoft Teams 登录名,才能访问视频中显示的密码列表。

图书馆系统 Follett Destiny

More information about Follett Destiny, including detailed instructions on how to search, can be found here

有关 Follett Destiny 图书馆系统的更多信息,包括有关如何搜索的详细说明,请参见此处。

Pupils can access eBooks through three main resources:

- Follett Destiny Library Catalogue


- Nat Geo (available through GALE)

Watch video instructions below for each resource to learn how to access our eBooks.


-Follett Destiny 图书馆目录

- EBSCO 资讯服务

- 国家地理(可通过 GALE 公司获得)


EBSCO咨询服务和国家地理电子书 EBSCO and NatGeo eBooks

EBSCO eBooks are also available on an APP with iPhones and iPads. You will need to use the shared EBSCO password if using the APP. Current passwords are available through the password button on this page. 


图书馆电子书 Follett eBooks
图书馆数字有声书 Follett Digital Audiobooks
使用图书馆电子书和数字有声书的详细指南 Detailed guide on using Follett eBooks and digital audiobooks
登录图书馆系统 Logging in to Follett
图书馆目录 Follett Destiny Library Catalogue

Follett Destiny is our catalogue and lists all print materials available in our libraries. It also provides access to some digital books (text and audio). The Follett Destiny guide is shared below, but can also be accessed by clicking here. You can also watch some help videos on different topics below. 

Follett Destiny 是我们的目录,其中列出了可以在我们图书馆中能找到的所有印刷材料。它还提供不少数字书籍(文本材料和音频材料)。 Follett Destiny 使用指南在下方共享,但也可以通过单击此处访问。您还可以观看下方有关不同主题的一些帮助视频。

使用图书馆目录 Using Follett Destiny Library Catalogue
数字杂志 Flipster Digital Magazines

Our digital magazine collection provides a wide range of titles for all ages. Flipster is available through a web browser, but is also accessible through an APP on iPhones, iPads and some other devices. You can watch videos below for help on how to access and navigate Flipster. 

我们的数字杂志系列为所有年龄段的使用者提供了广泛书目。 Flipster 数字杂志可通过网络浏览器访问,也可通过手机、平板和其他设备上的应用程序访问。您可以观看以下视频,获取有关如何访问和浏览该数字杂志的帮助。

通过过网络浏览器访问数字杂志 Accessing Flipster through a web browser
通过手机或平板上的应用程序访问数字杂志 Accessing Flipster through an iPhone or iPad APP
大英百科全书 Britannica Encyclopedia 

Britannica is very useful for finding information on many different topics. You can read articles at three different reading levels, watch videos and even listen to the article. Most articles can be translated into Chinese. 



GCSEPod is aimed at pupils aged 14 and up, but it is also available to younger pupils who are interested. It includes videos and quizzes on most core and many options subjects. Pupils sign in with the Teams password, also know as their Office 365 account. 

GCSEPod 面向 14 岁及以上的学生,但也适用于对此感兴趣的低年段学生。它包括的视频和小测验涵盖大多数核心主题并许多可选主题。学生使用 Teams 密码登录,也就是他们的Office 365 帐户