Click on the links to access each resource. If you are asked for login details, please contact the library team or your teacher. This should only happen at home.
You can find more information about key features below.
Select the level best for you. If you know a lot about a topic already, you might be okay to select Middle or High. If you are new to a topic, selecting Elementary may be better.
Use the search bar at the top of the page to enter your topic. Searching for key terms (e.g. frog) works well. Searching with a question (e.g. which frogs eat ants?) does not work well.
When looking at your search results, you can select different reading levels to check the full range of information.
You can also filter the results by type (e.g. articles, images, videos etc.).
When reading an article, you can change the reading level. You can also use a selection of tools to support access. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can switch between Chinese and English.